Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
"Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost”. (Isaiah 55:1).
Weeks have agonisingly stretched into months, and for many of you, we suspect, both prayer and hope have dried up. But our Lord assures us that “the one who perseveres to the end will be saved” (Matthew 24:13).
We are definitely not out of the woods, but with the increasing percentage of our population getting vaccinated and reduction in hospitalisation (especially in the ICU), our Archbishop in consultation with the doctors of the Crisis Task Force, has decided to provide for some additional sacramental nourishment for the faithful, apart from online Masses, formations and Rosary prayers.
As part of this pastoral initiative, the Archbishop has granted permission for priests to hear confessions by appointment and he has given a temporary and special permission for the distribution of Holy Communion, by way of drive-through. He has, however, left this decision to the discretion of every Parish Priest who must consider the specific circumstances of his parish before implementing this.
We recognise that there are multiple issues with regards to a drive-through exercise. Some may begin to liken this to a drive-thru' and pick-up of food and beverages at fast food restaurants and thus cheapen the sacrament. We also wish to reiterate that this is not a substitute to Holy Mass and that there is no obligation to receive Holy Communion outside of Mass. Furthermore, with the continued suspension of public Masses, all the faithful remain dispensed from the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays, and Holy Days of Obligation.
In order to preserve the sanctity and integrity of the Holy Mass, and having consulted the members of the Parish Response Team, we have decided NOT TO PROCEED with a weekly drive-through for the reception of Holy Communion. There is a danger that this may regularise and normalise a culture that lacks reverence for the sacraments and diminish the value of attending Mass in person.
Although, our parish will not be introducing drive-through Holy Communion, we are prepared to give Holy Communion to anyone who requests for this after the person has made sacramental confession before a priest.
The precepts of the Church places the obligation for the reception of Holy Communion just next to the obligation to make Confession. In order to receive our Lord Jesus in Holy Communion worthily, you must be properly disposed, which is to say free from mortal sin. The connexion between the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Penance (Confession) is inseparable. St Paul teaches, “Everyone is to examine himself and only then eat of the bread or drink from the cup; because a person who eats and drinks without recognising the body is eating and drinking his own condemnation” (1 Cor 11:28-29).
In view of this, we will be hearing confessions by appointment with immediate effect. Kindly call the JCC Parish Office to make an appointment
(Monday - Saturday: 8.30 am - 12.30 pm).
We will also schedule special time slots over the weekend in Jesus Caritas to hear confessions and allow people to receive Holy Communion. In order to do this in a safe and orderly way, we will require pre-registration. As this exercise requires preparation, both physical and spiritual, we ask for your patience and cooperation. We would need volunteers who are fully vaccinated (received 2 doses and have completed 14 days waiting period) to assist in this exercise. Parishioners of Jesus Caritas, please give your names to your respective BEC Coordinators if you are interested to serve.
Please subscribe to our Parish Telegram Channels to receive further updates and instructions on the dates and times for confession / Holy Communion:
Jesus Caritas:
Kristus Aman:
We all acknowledge that the Delta-variant of Covid 19 is virulent and the risks it poses should never be taken lightly. But there may be a more debilitating disease than this virus - it is irrational and crippling fear. More than ever, we need to recognise that the sacraments are the best antidote to sin and fear. The Church tells us that the Sacrament of Penance (Confession) is the “second plank of salvation after the shipwreck,” and the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ, is “the food for our earthly and spiritual pilgrimage.”
Lastly, we would like to announce that the priests will be on our annual retreat during this month.:
Fr Michael Chua: 5-10 September.
Fr Dominic Tan: 20-25 September.
Please keep us in your prayers. In case of an emergency, please contact the parish office.
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in your faith, so that in the power of the Holy Spirit you may be rich in hope.” (Romans 15:13)
Your loving Shepherds,
Fr Michael Chua and Fr Dominic Tan
Church of Jesus Caritas
Chapel of Kristus Aman
Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
5th September 2021